Have you ever felt like you know exactly what you want and exactly what looks great in your home? Been there. Before KC and I started construction on our own homes, we didn’t have the software, the dream team or the partners & tradespeople to put the pieces in our future homes together. It was frustrating.
Our clients today are having the same experience. They know what looks good, and more importantly what doesn’t. They have phones full of inspiration photos and can pick out their favorite pieces in a picture, but it’s hard to collage it all together in a way that makes sense and there aren’t enough hours in the day.
They’re stay-at-home moms, working women, executives, analysts and people who (generally speaking) are already pressed for time. If only they had more hours in a day they might be able to bring their dream home to life.
That’s how our Northfield client was feeling before we started working together. Imagine one of your best girlfriends with the most amazing taste in interiors – that’s our Northfield client. She’d had already ordered her dream stove (the Cornufe 110 in Tapestry, so dreamy) and had selected all her cabinetry. Once it came to selecting her countertops, hardware, lighting fixtures and furniture, though, she needed a little help to collect her vision and bring it to life.
“I’ve been waiting to do this renovation for awhile,” she said. “I know what I want my space to look like and this is not it. I just need some help to imagine it all together. There are so many choices”

That’s where we came in! We incorporated her existing selections and began modeling out all of her choices. It was a showstopper. Seeing her home in 3D before purchasing all of her finishes helped her make the best possible decisions for her and her family. We itemized all of her materials in our client software so that she could see how each and every material affected her overall budget, and which rooms were receiving the greatest investment.

We’re still underway on this Northfield Dream Home but it’s coming along. I can’t tell you how much we love helping other people create dreamy spaces that create equity. And with an all-new kitchen, gorgeous french appliances and sitting and living rooms that her friends will love to visit, this Northfield client is well on her way!